In my line of work, I am not someone you want to meet. And frankly, I don’t want to meet you either. My name is Dr. Serge Melanson. I am [Read More...]
With the provincial election looming, the New Brunswick Medical Society is advocating a three-prong approach to creating Smarter Health Care for New Brunswickers. Our plan would see government hire more [Read More...]
In my last letter I outlined our prescription for putting physicians where patients need them by filling the current 39 family physician vacancies and adding an additional 50. When New [Read More...]
As part of the New Brunswick Medical Society’s ongoing campaign to enhance patient care in the 2018 provincial election, physicians have a prescription for smarter health care and a healthier [Read More...]
Technology has completely changed the way we deliver healthcare. Surgeries that used to take hours now take minutes, and are far less invasive. We can detect issues faster, and more [Read More...]
Fifty-five years ago, Saskatchewan NDP leader Tommy Douglas introduced the first government-controlled, universal single-payer medical insurance plan in North America. This was followed by a national initiative a decade later. [Read More...]
The New Brunswick Medical Society President Dr. Dharm Singh’s speech to the Senate Standing Committee on National Finance, regarding a study of the proposed changes to the Income Tax act [Read More...]
As we examine the latest proposal of the Federal Finance Minister pertaining to tax rules impacting private corporations, it is clear to us that the federal government has acknowledged that [Read More...]