About Us

Who we are

Founded in 1867, the New Brunswick Medical Society (NBMS) is the professional association representing and serving all 2,000+ practising, future, and retired physicians in the province.

The mission of the NBMS is to advance the interests of physicians and improve the health care system in New Brunswick for the benefit of patients.

Our vision is physicians leading positive change for the growth and enhancement of the health-care system and improved health of New Brunswickers.

The NBMS is the provincial division of the Canadian Medical Association. All physicians practicing in New Brunswick must be registered with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick and be members of the NBMS.

The NBMS is a proven leader in health care in New Brunswick. We established Family Medicine New Brunswick , an innovative team-based model of family practice, in partnership with the provincial government. We also led the implementation of electronic medical records across the province. The society inspires and influences New Brunswickers to take charge of their health with practical health information and tips through preventative care campaigns including It’s your choice. Know the risks. and 5-2-1-0 A Way of Life.

Our strategic direction

A dedicated group of physicians make up the board of directors that governs the NBMS. The society’s 2023-2025 strategic plan is focused on five pillars:

  • High-Quality Health System Performance
  • Competitive Remuneration for Our Members
  • Strengthening the Profession
  • Member Services, Well-Being, and Growth
  • Organizational Culture and Growth

Physicians seeking employment

Physicians can review the latest employment opportunities in New Brunswick by visiting nbhealthjobs.ca.

Patients seeking a family physician

Patients seeking a family physician should contact NB Health Link online or by phone at 1-833-354-2300 to be placed on a waiting list.

Filing a complaint

The NBMS does not have disciplinary powers over physicians. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick is the professional body responsible for licensing doctors and regulating the province’s medical profession.

Contact us

Please see our complete staff directory. Media should contact the society by emailing media@nbms.nb.ca or calling 506-260-2726.