Statement on Tobacco Control Legislative Updates, May 27 2015
We are very pleased the government has moved forward on the next phases of policy changes to improve tobacco control, help smokers quit, and limit exposure of smoke to children. There’s a reason why smoking is one of the first things doctors inquire about in our work – patients who smoke see higher risks for nearly every illness, live shorter lives, and have reduced quality of life.
A mix of taxation, education, and policy changes have dramatically reduced the prevalence of smoking in New Brunswick, but rates have recently plateaued and are still stubbornly high. The work to reduce the impacts of smoking must continue and we fully support legislation to do that.
I am particularly pleased that the legislation contains several elements designed to make smoking less appealing to youth, which is very important. As a doctor interested in lifelong health, there are few things more disappointing than seeing a young adult take up smoking.
Camille Haddad, MD – President, New Brunswick Medical Society