Statement on the New Brunswick Family Plan
The New Brunswick Medical Society supports a Family Plan that promotes an integrated approach to the provision of health and social care to help New Brunswickers, including the most vulnerable in society, achieve healthy and productive lives.
We firmly believe that social determinants of health have a far greater impact on the length and quality of a citizen’s life than the care provided through our health system. These social determinants include housing, the environment, jobs, education, transportation, family circumstances, cultural heritage, community support, and more.
Providing a community-based approach to economic and social inclusion, empowering individuals and groups of people experiencing poverty, and facilitating access to programs and services to improve the quality of life of all New Brunswickers will all help achieve the goal of ensuring healthier lives for the citizens of the province.
Doctors have always promoted a holistic approach to wellness, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the physical symptoms of a disease. We believe the government’s approach through the Family Plan focuses on a similar vision.
Dr. Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck, MD, MSC, FRCSC
President, New Brunswick Medical Society