Statement on New Brunswick measles outbreak
Today we learned of two additional cases of measles confirmed at Kennebecasis Valley High School, bringing the total number of measles cases in the Saint John area to five.
The New Brunswick Medical Society encourages individuals in the KVHS community to take advantage of a special immunization clinic has been set up for today, Sunday, May 26, at the school to immunize those in the school population who have not yet received a dose of MMR vaccine within the last 28 days. Vaccines are the best protection against vaccine preventable diseases, such as measles.
If you have questions or are experiencing potential measles symptoms, stay at home and self-isolate. Contact your health care provider or Telecare 811 by phone prior to presenting to a clinic, physician’s office or emergency room.
We strongly encourage New Brunswickers to ensure their vaccines are up to date and to monitor updates from Public Health. Additional information on measles can be found here.
The NBMS will continue to work closely with Public Health to share information with physicians in the affected region and across the province.
Dr. Serge Melanson, CCFP-EM
President, New Brunswick Medical Society