New Brunswick’s doctors applaud the passage of new law on indoor tanning
The President of the New Brunswick Medical Society thanked the Minister of Health and the Chief Medical Officer of Health today as a law banning underage indoor ultraviolet tanning was recently passed in the Legislature.
“Recent action by lawmakers is a victory for our patients – and especially young women – whose risk of skin cancer will decrease because of this legislative ban,” said Dr Desjardins. “We congratulate the leadership of the Department of Health, including the Minister, for their work to get this Bill passed.”
Dr Desjardins also noted the bipartisan support for the Bill, which is one of the most comprehensive bans on indoor ultraviolet tanning in Canada. “This Bill was passed because it is based in solid medical evidence and gives clear direction to tanning salons in terms of what they must do to comply – or face penalties,” said Dr Desjardins. “Now there’s no excuse for targeting young women with false advertising, for telling people than tanning makes them healthy, or for allowing minors to use tanning beds.”
This law comes on the heels of a recent study in Alberta that showed only 3% of parents thought their children were using tanning beds, when the real number is more like 20%. “A ban is in place in many other Canadian provinces,” Dr Desjardins. “We’re looking forward to the proper implementation and enforcement of this new law in our own province.”
The New Brunswick Medical Society has been a strong advocate for banning artificial ultraviolet tanning for New Brunswick’s youth. Most recently, it has advocated in partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society – New Brunswick.
Dr Desjardins recognised the work of others on this issue. “We thank all of the partners who moved this law forward – we know the best thing we can do for sick patients is to keep them healthy in the first place,” he said. “Doctors will continue to advocate for more education and legislation on other health promotion opportunities in New Brunswick.”
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Founded in 1867, the New Brunswick Medical Society (NBMS) is the professional association representing all physicians in New Brunswick. It is a provincial division of the Canadian Medical Association. Its twin goals are to represent and serve physicians, and advocate for the health of New Brunswickers. Over a hundred New Brunswick doctors sit on our Board and Committees, representing the 1600 doctors in the province.
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