New Brunswick Medical Society names new president from Miramichi

The New Brunswick Medical Society announced a new president Saturday, following the conclusion of their Annual General Meeting in Fredericton.

Dr Camille Haddad, a family doctor in Miramichi, will take over from Dr Lynn Hansen of Fredericton, an anaesthesiologist. Dr Haddad takes over just days before a new Health Minister is to be announced.

“My first order of business is to strengthen our relationship with the new provincial government,” said Dr Haddad. “We have a large number of common goals and we have many ideas as to how they accomplish what the new government set out to do in their electoral platform – over three quarters of their health platform is made up of items that are high on the priority list of doctors, too.”

Another major priority for Dr Haddad is to lead the Medical Society’s increasingly vocal and assertive battle with obesity. New Brunswick has one of the highest obesity rates in the country and doctors have tackled multiple projects over the last few years to stem the tide.

“It was only a few months ago that Miramichi was named the heaviest region in the country, and Saint John was named the heaviest city in the country,” said Dr Haddad. “Study after study shows our weight is tied to our health – and our health care costs as well.”

Dr Haddad received his medical degree from Dalhousie University and completed one year as an internal medicine resident before spending a year in Miramichi working in family medicine.

He has worked as a family doctor in Miramichi since 1992, both in his own practice, at the Miramichi Addiction Recovery Clinic, and at the Atlantic Institution in Renous.

Dr Haddad holds an appointment as a Lecturer in the Department of Family Medicine at Dalhousie University. He is also a Preceptor for the Nurse Practitioner Program of the Nurses Association of New Brunswick.

He lives with his wife in Miramichi.

Founded in 1867, the New Brunswick Medical Society (NBMS) is the professional association representing all physicians in New Brunswick. Its twin goals are to represent and serve physicians, and advocate for the health of New Brunswickers.

Media Contact: Aleisha Bosch, (506)458-8860