New Brunswick doctors welcome new specialties and recommendations to Choosing Wisely Canada

New Brunswick doctors, their colleagues across the country, and the Canadian Medical Association are pleased to welcome 12 additional medical specialty societies to the Choosing Wisely Canada campaign. The campaign, initially launched in April, encourages a conversation between patients and doctors about the overuse of medical tests and treatments.

“The campaign helps patients and doctors to have an informed conversation about best practices,” said Dr. Camille Haddad, President of the New Brunswick Medical Society. “Together, they can make a decision about the best care for the patient.”

Lists of “Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question,” prepared by medical specialist societies, form the backbone of the campaign. Those prepared by the 12 new medical specialty societies – totalling 61 new recommendations – join the original nine lists released in April. The lists comprise tests, treatments, and procedures for which there is strong evidence that their use may be unnecessary, does not add value for patients, or may even cause harm. They have been used to create a series of plain-language patient pamphlets.

“Medical evidence is constantly being updated and things we were once trained to do, or have done by routine, may no longer be necessary,” said Dr Haddad. “The Medical Society has an active role in promoting these lists to our members and is also providing education in small group sessions across the province for physicians who want to learn more.”

Doctors are also encouraging patients to become more informed about their care options through organisations like Choosing Wisely Canada. “Informed patients ask good questions, help doctors understand their entire case history, and can make better decisions about their care in partnership with their doctors,” said Dr Haddad. “The goal of Choosing Wisely is ultimately a healthy conversation between patients and doctors about the best, most appropriate care we can offer.”

Media contact:

Aleisha Bosch
Communications Officer
New Brunswick Medical Society
(506)458-8860 ext. 633

Founded in 1867, the New Brunswick Medical Society (NBMS) is the professional association representing all physicians in New Brunswick. It is a provincial division of the Canadian Medical Association. Its twin goals are to represent and serve physicians, and advocate for the health of New Brunswickers. Over a hundred New Brunswick doctors sit on our Board and Committees, representing the 1600 doctors in the province.