NBMS responds to research on vaccine delivery
While the New Brunswick Medical Society is supportive of efforts to improve the delivery of health care in our province, we were not consulted by the New Brunswick Institute for Research Data and Training for its research into how changes to vaccine delivery could impact patient care or physician practices. The study suggests that transitioning responsibility for certain vaccines from physicians to pharmacists could benefit patients and physicians while saving money in the health system. However, there are many types of vaccines that are typically administered during routine care provided by physicians, especially for children and youth. Cost savings and benefits for patients, physicians, or the overall system may not be found by simply shifting the responsibility for one element of care to another provider. Any change to health-care delivery must consider experience and continuity of care. The delivery of health care requires a multi-disciplinary approach including physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and other providers. Physicians must be at the table for conversations regarding any significant change in health-care delivery.
Dr. Jeff Steeves, President, New Brunswick Medical Society