NBMS concerned about future of cannabis sales in N.B.

Based on recent media reports, the New Brunswick Medical Society (NBMS) is concerned about the future of cannabis sales in the province and would like to collaborate with the provincial government as it looks to modify its cannabis sales strategy in New Brunswick.

Finance Minister Ernie Steeves told media that Cannabis NB could potentially be privatized or that cannabis may be sold in NB Liquor stores alongside alcohol.

Physicians in New Brunswick have serious concerns about privatization and believe that selling cannabis and alcohol together could result in higher rates of consumption. Cannabis consumption can be harmful for those under 25, those who are breastfeeding a child, or those who suffer from mental illness. It can slow reaction times, impair judgment, and cause anxiety or panic. Cannabis also contains many of the same harmful substances as tobacco smoke.

The legalization of cannabis doesn’t make it safe. It is important for people in New Brunswick to understand the risks and for government policy to put public safety at the forefront of all decisions regarding the sale of cannabis.

The NBMS would be pleased to participate in discussions involving cannabis sales and distribution.


Dr. Serge Melanson, CFP-EM
President, New Brunswick Medical Society